The Beginners Guide to MindWise

Your mind is the sky. Thoughts and feelings merely weather.

In MindWise, we learn how to see our internal experiences (thought, emotions, sensations, images, memories) as a natural part of being human.

When we try to control, eliminate or avoid our internal experiences, we find ourselves in a never ending tug-of-war.

“What you resist, persists. What you accept, transforms.”

Acceptance of our internal experience is a key skill in MindWise and all mindfulness approaches actually. By allowing our experiences to be there, not needing to enjoy them but just allowing them to be present, they pass by. But remember to genuinely accept - the hardest part is to fully accept and not just to get rid of it - that’s not acceptance. This stuff isn’t easy, but the MindWise program gives you lots of strategies and opportunities to practice and get more skilled at acceptance.

Good news. Happiness doesn’t have to mean feeling good.

Happiness can mean cultivating a rich and meaningful life. The MindWise program helps you live your best life but not by pursuing happiness. When you begin to manage your thoughts & emotions more skillfully, you’ll also begin to pursue goals that are aligned with your values which means they will feel meaningful and fulfilling. When you act on your values everyday, you can stop pursuing happiness in some ideal future state.

The MindWise program allows you to take tiny steps everyday in what you believe in, deep in your heart. These small steps and consistent practice will add up to a life of meaning like you’ve never experienced.

When we face our internal experiences, it can feel overwhelming at first - to bring them out of the shadows. But the very next step is that we learn how to sit with them and we face our fears. We get more comfortable with being uncomfortable - until it feels “normal”. Then, we take action toward what really matters, in the face of fear.

And we begin to live a life of “daring adventure”

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” - Helen Keller

Sara L Weber, LPC-S, CEDS-S

Sara is a compassionate counselor who loves teaching, coaching and guiding you toward your true self. A Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor as well as a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor. With over 17 yrs of experience in psychotherapy, supervision and entrepreneurship, Sara brings depth and passion to her work.


Quick Guide to Mindful Practice